Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What do you REALLY think?

A precious friend sent me this photo in an e-mail, with a link to World Net Daily, and an article about Barak Obama's first 100 days as President of the United States. I apologize that I couldn't figure out how to format the photo, but turthfully, I'm relieved not to dignify it further by putting it here in plain sight on my blog.


It doesn't matter much to me if you read the article. What matters to me are the thoughts and feelings that play out in your heart when you see the image.

You may know that I recently returned from Rome, having participated in a choral performance in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.

Entitled, "The Birth of Christ," and composed by Andrew T. Miller-- this fully orchestrated cantata shared through a talented choir, cast of operatic soloists and noted narrators (Jim Caviezel, Michael York, Louis Gosset, Jr.), portrays the coming of the Messiah -- even foreshadowing his redemptive suffering and death on the Cross.

The coming of Jesus Christ altered human history in ways no human being, no matter how popular, ever could. I trust in Him.

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